An Andon board crea­tes trans­pa­ren­cy and respon­si­ve­ness in lean production!

Andon-Board — Com­mu­ni­ca­te cle­ar­ly, alert quick­ly, moti­va­te employees, increase efficiency!

Kee­ping an over­view of manufacturing 

Visua­li­ze key figu­res and cle­ar­ly com­mu­ni­ca­te goals with an Andon board and pro­duc­tion con­trol sta­ti­ons and keep an eye on down­ti­mes at all times! An Andon board crea­tes trans­pa­ren­cy — so ever­yo­ne in pro­duc­tion is on the same level of knowledge. 

Respond quick­ly to disruptions 

Fas­ter aler­ting through digi­tal fault mes­sa­ges redu­ces the respon­se time to down­ti­mes. Cate­go­ri­zed error mes­sa­ges also enable pro­cess opti­miza­ti­on and the tar­ge­ted eli­mi­na­ti­on of the cau­ses of malfunctions. 

Mini­mi­ze down­ti­me through tar­ge­ted alarming 

Fault reports are use­l­ess if they are not deli­ver­ed to the right peo­p­le. Get auto­ma­ted infor­ma­ti­on about mal­func­tions or down­ti­mes via app, smart­watch, pho­ne, SMS or e‑mail.

Trans­pa­ren­cy and respon­si­ve­ness for your manufacturing

OEE-Anzeige auf Andon-Board

Our Andon Boards

Whe­ther key figu­res, cur­rent mal­func­tions or other ope­ra­tio­nal mes­sa­ge texts. Our Andon boards allow all employees to be brought up to date with the same information.

Stillstandsanzeige auf Andon-Board

Alar­ming solutions

Down­ti­me noti­fi­ca­ti­ons only make a dif­fe­rence if the right employee hears about them. With our Noti­fi­ca­ti­on Cen­ter, calls, SMS, emails or app noti­fi­ca­ti­ons can be used for this purpose.

Störungsanzeige auf Andon-Board

Digi­tal fault messages

Avo­id long report­ing chains for mal­func­tions through digi­tal input opti­ons. Give workers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to call for help or report downtimes.

Andon-Board als Stückzahlanzeige

Eva­lua­ti­on options

The goal of an Andon solu­ti­on should be fewer dis­tur­ban­ces. The basis for such opti­miza­ti­ons is the his­to­ri­cal data of the mes­sa­ges. Pull valuable infor­ma­ti­on from dis­rup­ti­on reasons and times.

Fle­xi­ble and simp­le: the apro­nic Andon board

We under­stand andon boards as important com­pon­ents of the con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ment pro­cess and as a well-sui­ted lean manu­fac­tu­ring tool. The­r­e­fo­re, during the deve­lo­p­ment of prodwatch we made sure that you as the user have all the strings in your hands!

Via the gra­phi­cal edi­tor inte­gra­ted in prodwatch you can crea­te the andon dis­play yours­elf and adapt it again and again. For this pur­po­se, you will find many so-cal­led wid­gets in the edi­tor, which you can free­ly place and con­fi­gu­re. Dis­play the remai­ning shift or cycle time as a bar chart or clock. The dis­play of sta­tus infor­ma­ti­on of the work­sta­tions (mal­func­tion, mas­ter call, mate­ri­al call, etc.) can also be done via a wid­get. Tar­get, actu­al and trend pie­ce counts can also be easi­ly dis­play­ed. In addi­ti­on, the­re are many other wid­gets, such as scrol­ling texts, OEE and tar­get-actu­al dia­grams, gra­phic sepa­ra­tors and much more.

In addi­ti­on to the self-desi­gned page shown here, you also have the opti­on of dis­play­ing your own slide­show con­sis­ting of any num­ber of pdf docu­ments. This allows you to bring your own con­tent to your Andon dis­play easi­ly, cle­ar­ly and quickly!

Learn how to use andon boards in the spi­rit of lean manu­fac­tu­ring in our whitepaper!

Our free white­pa­per gives you prac­ti­cal ide­as and imple­men­ta­ti­on sug­ges­ti­ons for your Andon board. From the simp­le dis­play of pro­duc­tion key figu­res to the com­pre­hen­si­ve alar­ming solu­ti­on for mal­func­tions. Let us inspi­re you!

Andon Boards in Lean Manufacturing

Lean pro­duc­tion, also known as lean manu­fac­tu­ring, uses a varie­ty of tools to mini­mi­ze was­te. Was­te can be time, labor, money, mate­ri­al or space. An Andon sys­tem helps with the idea of this mini­miza­ti­on of was­te through the resul­ting trans­pa­ren­cy of the pro­duc­tion sta­tus and other key figu­res. This allows, for exam­p­le, to react quick­ly in the event of dis­rup­ti­ons and to pre­vent was­ted time. This quick­ly increa­ses pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and employee iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on with manu­fac­tu­ring. Pro­duct scrap also beco­mes trans­pa­rent, which also pro­vi­des a focus on was­ting materials.


Andon boards and atta­ched or inte­gra­ted alarm sys­tems are a good way to make manu­fac­tu­ring as trans­pa­rent as pos­si­ble so that was­te can be detec­ted and stop­ped. With prodwatch you can free­ly design the andon boards, show short-term mes­sa­ges via mes­sa­ge texts and dis­play cur­rent docu­ments at the work­sta­tions. The­se and many other func­tions allow the inte­gra­ti­on of prodwatch into a con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ment process.

The 8 types of was­te in terms of lean management

In lean manu­fac­tu­ring, the eight types of was­te are often men­tio­ned. The­se was­tes lead to inef­fi­ci­ent pro­duc­tion and should be eli­mi­na­ted as far as pos­si­ble. The dif­fe­rent types of was­te can be remem­be­red using the mne­mo­nic DOWNTIME:








Not-uti­li­zing Potential








Extra Pro­ces­sing

By using lean pro­duc­tion methods and tools, the­se types of was­te can be made visi­ble and eli­mi­na­ted to the grea­test ext­ent pos­si­ble. Sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly eli­mi­na­ting the­se types of was­te usual­ly leads to hig­her pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, bet­ter qua­li­ty and lower cos­ts. Typi­cal­ly, was­te is addres­sed through lean methods such as Kan­ban, SMED, Kai­zen or 5S. An Andon board is par­ti­cu­lar­ly hel­pful in pro­vi­ding trans­pa­ren­cy and iden­ti­fy­ing inef­fi­ci­ent manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses. But also the infor­ma­ti­on of workers about the manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess at the work­sta­tions plays an important role.

For exam­p­le, fault mes­sa­ges can be used to address the “W” in down­ti­me. Ins­tead of wai­ting a long time for help or report­ing mal­func­tions on foot, digi­tal report­ing tools can be used. This means that errors in the pro­cess can be respon­ded to quick­ly and the workers, and thus the enti­re assem­bly pro­cess, do not have to wait. The “T” can also be opti­mi­zed in this way by pro­vi­ding mate­ri­als manage­ment with dri­ving orders that are accu­ra­te to requi­re­ments. An Andon board thus has a direct influence on many aspects of DOWNTIME:

How does an Andon board bene­fit our cus­to­mers and you?

Kee­ping an over­view of manu­fac­tu­ring with Andon boards 

Fast respon­se to mal­func­tions or worker questions 

Mini­mi­ze down­ti­me through tar­ge­ted alarming 

Moti­va­te workers through information 

It is always dif­fi­cult to mea­su­re the effects of indi­vi­du­al sys­tems on com­plex manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses. Espe­ci­al­ly with a pro­duct as ver­sa­ti­le as prodwatch, the­re are count­less start­ing points for pos­si­ble savings or impro­ve­ments in the pro­ces­ses. Some pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty ana­ly­ses of our cus­to­mers show­ed that the sys­tem was break-even after less than one year. We have been able to deter­mi­ne the fol­lo­wing empi­ri­cal values with our cus­to­mers in dif­fe­rent indus­tries after using prodwatch.

Schnel­le­re Störungsmeldung
0 Percent
Redu­ced downtime
0 Percent
Manu­fac­tu­ring overview
0 Percent

Andon-Boards from apronic

We at apro­nic have been allo­wed to imple­ment many Andon appli­ca­ti­ons for our cus­to­mers. The­r­e­fo­re, we have a com­pre­hen­si­ve know-how of what is pos­si­ble and how it can be imple­men­ted. In num­e­rous pro­jects, a wealth of expe­ri­ence has grown that has cul­mi­na­ted in stan­dard soft­ware for assem­bly digi­tiza­ti­on prod­wath. This offers you a com­pre­hen­si­ve tool for all descri­bed andon appli­ca­ti­ons. We are loo­king for­ward to your call and to being allo­wed to bring you to new peak per­for­man­ces of your pro­duc­tion in an exci­ting project!