about apro­nic

We are your digi­tiza­ti­on partner!

From the simp­le acqui­si­ti­on of machi­ne data to com­plex digi­tal assis­tance sys­tems for manu­fac­tu­ring in all indus­tries: Digi­tal manu­fac­tu­ring is our expertise! 

Over the years and many pro­jects, a wealth of expe­ri­ence has grown that we are hap­py to make available to you. We com­bi­ne our soft­ware plat­form prodwatch with indus­tri­al hard­ware and com­pre­hen­si­ve know-how in assem­bly pro­ces­ses. Thus, our cus­to­mers achie­ve an unpre­ce­den­ted trans­pa­ren­cy in manu­fac­tu­ring and increase both employee satis­fac­tion and the effi­ci­en­cy of manu­fac­tu­ring and assem­bly processes.

apro­nic brings trans­pa­ren­cy to every production

We at apro­nic are dedi­ca­ted to the digi­ta­liza­ti­on of manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses. We know the diver­se chal­lenges of manu­fac­tu­ring com­pa­nies in times of ever-incre­asing com­pe­ti­ti­on: cost pres­su­re, a gro­wing num­ber of vari­ants, assem­bly pro­ces­ses that have beco­me incre­asing­ly intrans­pa­rent over the years, and much more dri­ve our cus­to­mers to use digi­tal solu­ti­ons to bring trans­pa­ren­cy to pro­duc­tion processes.

Both the digi­ta­liza­ti­on of manu­al assem­bly acti­vi­ties and the con­nec­tion of machi­nes and sys­tems for the eva­lua­ti­on of pro­duc­tion data are part of our solu­ti­on port­fo­lio. We offer stan­dard soft­ware and cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons. Our goal is to pro­vi­de you with turn­key sys­tems that make you a litt­le bit bet­ter every day!

What do we stand for?

apro­nic stands for Assem­bly and Pro­duc­tion Intel­li­gence Sys­tems. We are pas­sio­na­te about indus­tri­al manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses that requi­re con­ti­nuous chan­ge in work­flows due to tech­ni­cal pro­gress — with digi­ta­liza­ti­on lea­ding the way. Tog­e­ther with you, we take the path into the age of digi­ta­liza­ti­on and do not lea­ve you alo­ne during the enti­re opti­miza­ti­on pro­cess. As a team, we live and love digi­tal issues and in ever­y­thing we do, the focus is on cus­to­mer bene­fit and inno­va­ti­on. We help you increase your com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and productivity. 

As your high-per­for­mance digi­tiza­ti­on part­ner, we offer solu­ti­ons that crea­te trans­pa­ren­cy and increase employee moti­va­ti­on. We plan, deve­lop and deli­ver the opti­mal tech­ni­cal solu­ti­on for your very indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments. Bene­fit from our exper­ti­se and get to know us!