With modu­la­ri­ty, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy to a rapid return on invest­ment in your production!

prodwatch andon 

Andon boards and alarm management 
25 €  Month­ly per workstation
  • Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble Andon boards 
  • Alerts in case of mal­func­tions via e‑mails, smart­wat­ches and much more 
  • Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble home screen for the work­sta­tions incl. access to glo­bal docu­ments and mes­sa­ge texts 
  • Exten­si­ve manage­ment and ana­ly­sis level for con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, moni­to­ring and analyses 

prodwatch beat 

Cycle time recor­ding and order management 
50 €  Month­ly per workstation
  • All the advan­ta­ges of the andon modu­le: andon boards, alerts, glo­bal docu­ments and much more! 
  • Recor­ding and dis­play of actu­al cycle times (manu­al or auto­ma­tic finis­hed mes­sa­ge) as well as detail­ed eva­lua­ti­on of cycle time deviations 
  • Recor­ding of seri­al num­bers and allo­ca­ti­on of all accrued data (faults, cycle times, etc.) 
  • Order and pro­duct manage­ment inclu­ding vari­ant management 

prodwatch work&trace

Worker assis­tance and track­ing of products 
75 €  Month­ly per workstation
  • All the advan­ta­ges of andon and beat: andon boards, alarms, cycle time recor­ding, glo­bal docu­ments, order and pro­duct manage­ment and much more! 
  • Con­fi­gura­ble worker assis­tance func­tions with check­lists, images, vide­os input fields, inte­gra­ti­on of machi­ne signals and much more 
  • Detail­ed eva­lua­ti­on of all work steps and easy trans­fer of indi­vi­du­al steps to other sta­ti­ons. Sim­ply clock out your assem­bly stations! 
  • “Digi­tal twin” of the pro­duc­tion pro­cess with all accu­mu­la­ted data on work steps, mal­func­tions, data from machi­nes or input from workers 

The abo­ve pri­ces refer to a mini­mum con­tract peri­od of 12 months. Only pro­duc­ti­ve licen­ces are coun­ted. This means that we pro­vi­de each assem­bly, andon and report­ing sta­ti­on (e.g. smart­watch) with a licence. Admi­nis­tra­ti­ve users who only use the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and ana­ly­sis front­end do not need a licence! The month­ly licence model alre­a­dy includes a main­ten­an­ce and update ser­vice. Alter­na­tively, we also offer licen­ces as a purcha­se vari­ant. In this case, a main­ten­an­ce con­tract is recom­men­ded for func­tion and secu­ri­ty updates!


In both models we offer sui­ta­ble hard­ware as an invest­ment model. Howe­ver, if the pro­ject is lar­ge enough, a lea­sing model for the hard­ware can also be used here. In addi­ti­on, we are hap­py to offer trai­ning, work­shops for pro­cess opti­mi­sa­ti­on or other services.

Rapid return on investment

Due to the diver­se pos­si­bi­li­ties of pro­duc­tion opti­mi­sa­ti­on based on valid data, prodwatch offers an extre­me­ly fast return on invest­ment. On the one hand, this is achie­ved through time savings in the area of down­ti­mes and report­ing times in the event of mal­func­tions. Thanks to fast report­ing, faults can be rec­ti­fied direct­ly and down­ti­mes can be redu­ced in the long term. On the other hand, ano­ther part of the effi­ci­en­cy gains comes from an increase in out­put: Employees can direct­ly see which assem­bly steps are to be car­ri­ed out in which order and do not have to labo­rious­ly look up this infor­ma­ti­on in file fol­ders or stacks of paper with work instructions.


Bes­i­des the enorm­ous modu­la­ri­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy, howe­ver, the grea­test bene­fit of such a sys­tem lies in the coll­ec­ted data, such as pro­ces­sing times, reasons for and times of errors and much more. Trans­pa­rent data can be used to iden­ti­fy whe­re cycle devia­ti­ons occur on the assem­bly line. The­se can then be spe­ci­fi­cal­ly opti­mi­sed by sim­ply shif­ting work con­tent to other sta­ti­ons. The detec­tion of fre­quent­ly occur­ring errors and their tar­ge­ted eli­mi­na­ti­on also leads to high effi­ci­en­cy gains in pro­duc­tion and thus to a quick return on investment.

Some data on effi­ci­en­cy gains of our customers*

Less assem­bly errors
0 Percent
More assem­bly performanc
0 Percent
Fas­ter training
0 Percent
Until break-even
0 Years

* Data based on cus­to­mer feed­back. Pro­cess opti­mi­sa­ti­on takes place on many levels, which makes it dif­fi­cult to mea­su­re many effects. Nevert­hel­ess, the abo­ve figu­res can be used as a rough gui­de for imple­men­ting manu­fac­tu­ring digitalisation.

Simp­le admi­nis­tra­ti­on via a cen­tral web frontend

In addi­ti­on to the func­tions of the indi­vi­du­al modu­les shown abo­ve, prodwatch offers fle­xi­ble, com­pre­hen­si­ve con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and admi­nis­tra­ti­on tools. The­se can be used in each of the modu­les and are acces­sed via a stan­dard web brow­ser from your desk­top com­pu­ter or a mobi­le device.

User and role management 

User management 

Not every user should have access to all func­tions. With user manage­ment, you are in con­trol of which aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­ons you grant to indi­vi­du­al employees. For exam­p­le, pro­duc­tion employees only see their own data, while the plant mana­ger can use all functions. 

Event- and Action-Center 

Event- and Action-Center 

Own, rule-based actions can be trig­ge­red via the logic edi­tor. For exam­p­le, an e‑mail can be sent (the action) in respon­se to an acti­va­ted mas­ter call (the event). The­re are a num­ber of events in the sys­tem that can be pro­vi­ded with dif­fe­rent actions. 

Shift calendar 

Shift planning 

Indi­vi­du­al and recur­ring shifts can be con­fi­gu­red via the inte­gra­ted shift calen­dar. The­se can then be assi­gned to indi­vi­du­al or all pro­duc­tion lines. This crea­tes fle­xi­bi­li­ty and can be used later for eva­lua­ti­on purposes. 



Via I/O modu­les, you can easi­ly inte­gra­te data points from exis­ting sys­tems into prodwatch. The­se can then be used to com­ple­te work steps, to include data points such as test data in the eva­lua­ti­on or to con­nect fault mes­sa­ges from machi­ne controls. 
Frontend Prodwatch

In addi­ti­on to the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and manage­ment func­tion­a­li­ties of the front end, prodwatch also comes with inte­gra­ted dash­boards, as shown here. This gives you as a pro­duc­tion mana­ger a per­ma­nent over­view of all pro­duc­tion lines, the indi­vi­du­al work­sta­tions and cur­rent mes­sa­ges from pro­duc­tion. The solu­ti­on also includes a report and eva­lua­ti­on func­tion with which shift reports and ad-hoc eva­lua­tions can be created.

Hard­ware for every manu­fac­tu­ring environment

Wit­hout robust hard­ware, any soft­ware is use­l­ess. The­r­e­fo­re, we offer a varie­ty of dif­fe­rent hard­ware com­pon­ents. We make use of our estab­lished sup­pli­er land­scape and use stan­dard mar­ket devices. We com­bi­ne the­se in a sen­si­ble way and use them to crea­te com­ple­te equip­ment for assem­bly sta­ti­ons, andon boards or for the per­so­nal equip­ment of pro­duc­tion employees. In doing so, we always pay atten­ti­on to par­ti­cu­lar­ly robust equip­ment that can with­stand the rigours of ever­y­day pro­duc­tion and will give you plea­su­re for a long time. We adapt to your envi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons and design the hard­ware accor­din­gly. Whe­ther it’s simp­le assem­bly appli­ca­ti­ons in the clean room, the tough dai­ly rou­ti­ne in the foundry envi­ron­ment or the requi­re­ments from the food sec­tor: we have the right hard­ware for every application!



For the work­sta­tions, we offer pre-assem­bled panel PCs with screen sizes bet­ween 7 and 32 inches. The­se are sup­ple­men­ted with moun­ting opti­ons and peri­phe­ral devices such as bar­code scan­ners or RFID solu­ti­ons and can be moun­ted direct­ly on the work­sta­tions. We offer both stan­dard com­pon­ents and very robust devices — for exam­p­le for the foundry envi­ron­ment or the food industry.

Andon-Einsatz in Gießerei


We offer lar­ge-for­mat screen solu­ti­ons for your Andon board. With us, you will find abo­ve all robust, 24/7‑capable digi­tal signage screens for pro­fes­sio­nal use. In addi­ti­on to com­mer­ci­al­ly available hard­ware for pro­duc­tion with low envi­ron­men­tal impact, we also offer screen and housing solu­ti­ons to meet the toug­hest envi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons such as the foundry envi­ron­ment. In addi­ti­on, we sup­p­ly sui­ta­ble moun­ting solu­ti­ons directly!

Andon Alarm auf Prodwatch


A smart­watch is ide­al as an aler­ting device. It is always on the wrist of the rele­vant employees and thus relia­bly and quick­ly deli­vers fault mes­sa­ges to the right employees via vibra­ti­on and acou­stic alarms. We use stan­dard smart­wat­ches, most­ly the Sam­sung Gala­xy Watch series. The­se are alre­a­dy well pro­tec­ted against dust and mois­tu­re. We sup­ple­ment this robust­ness with appro­pria­te wrist­bands to be equip­ped against impacts in ever­y­day production.

Prodwatch Zubehör


We offer a wide ran­ge of acces­so­ry com­pon­ents. The­se include ID sys­tems such as radio bar­code scan­ners for recor­ding seri­al num­bers. But also acou­stic and visu­al alarm devices such as traf­fic lights or signal horns are part of our port­fo­lio. We inte­gra­te con­trol sys­tems or test equip­ment of your line via input and out­put modu­les sup­pli­ed with the sys­tem. In addi­ti­on, we have inter­face con­ver­ters to direct­ly address the data in the con­trols via bus protocols.

Cont­act us now

We are hap­py to offer you a first live demo of our pro­duct prodwatch. In a one-hour appoint­ment, we will show you which func­tions you can use. At the same time, we will gain an insight into your appli­ca­ti­on and can direct­ly work out solu­ti­on pro­po­sals for soft­ware and hard­ware with you. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you!