Solu­ti­ons for digi­tal manufacturing

For our ProdWatch soft­ware, we also requi­re high-avai­la­bi­li­ty and indus­tri­al hard­ware for imple­men­ta­ti­on in pro­duc­tion in many pro­jects. Howe­ver, the requi­re­ments for the pro­ducts dif­fer great­ly in the indus­try com­pa­ri­son. With our hard­ware, which has pro­ven its­elf in many pro­jects, we lay the foun­da­ti­on for your digi­tal pro­duc­tion. We work tog­e­ther with renow­ned manu­fac­tu­r­ers and sup­pli­ers and are the­r­e­fo­re well equip­ped to imple­ment even com­plex pro­jects with the right digi­tiza­ti­on solu­ti­on and the right products.

ProdWatch crea­tes trans­pa­ren­cy in every manu­fac­tu­ring depart­ment. From goods receipt through pro­duc­tion to goods issue, every pro­duct, every work and test step and every key figu­re can be tra­cked seam­less­ly. In inco­ming goods, input ter­mi­nals allow inco­ming goods inspec­tions to be car­ri­ed out secu­re­ly and docu­men­ted. Pro­duc­tion bene­fits from digi­tal work ins­truc­tions and trans­pa­rent key figu­res. Mal­func­tions can be poin­ted out quick­ly and easi­ly via touch ter­mi­nals. In the out­go­ing goods depart­ment, checks can again be car­ri­ed out using digi­tal work instructions.

With the DA50 and DA70 MDE gate­ways, far more than 300 bus pro­to­cols of your machi­ne can be acqui­red. Via I/O inter­faces and a com­pre­hen­si­ve con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on soft­ware, all data of your pro­duc­tion can be coll­ec­ted and pro­ces­sed. Via an API, this machi­ne data is then trans­fer­red to our ProdWatch sys­tem, for exam­p­le. The con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with the Crims­on 3.1 soft­ware crea­tes a wide ran­ge of data pro­ces­sing opti­ons such as log­ging, local alarm manage­ment or the crea­ti­on of web ser­vers for moni­to­ring indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tion areas.

We inte­gra­te your systems!

At apro­nic, we bring all the­se pro­ducts tog­e­ther to crea­te solu­ti­ons for your manu­fac­tu­ring chal­lenges. Indi­vi­du­al sys­tems for labe­l­ing or for qua­li­ty con­trol through sen­so­ry mea­su­re­ments and data acqui­si­ti­on are also part of our solu­ti­on port­fo­lio. We take care of data acqui­si­ti­on and pro­ces­sing in pro­duc­tion environments. 

We look for­ward to your inquiry about solu­ti­ons in your pro­duc­tion environment!

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