The indus­tri­al smart­watch for alerts and key figures

Alarms and key figu­res 24/7

Our indus­tri­al smart­watch is the per­fect com­pa­n­ion for ever­y­day pro­duc­tion. It gives you an over­view of cur­rent alarms, fault mes­sa­ges and the most important key figu­res of your pro­duc­tion. Repor­ted machi­ne down­ti­mes are imme­dia­te­ly addres­sed to the right cont­act per­son in the com­pa­ny. This means that they can be rec­ti­fied quick­ly and long down­ti­mes avoided. 

Tog­e­ther with our touch boxes or the prodwatch touch sta­ti­ons, you crea­te respon­si­ve­ness and trans­pa­ren­cy in your pro­duc­tion. Your exis­ting machi­nery and equip­ment as well as your MES/ERP soft­ware world are also an important source of alarms and pro­duc­tion-spe­ci­fic data.

Redu­ce down­ti­mes through fast and tar­ge­ted alarming!

Accept alerts and pro­vi­de feed­back to employees when help is on the way!

Key figu­res, machi­ne data and other pro­duc­tion data available at any time!

Alerts and key figu­res always on the wrist

Smart devices such as smart­phones, tablets and smart­wat­ches are an inte­gral part of our ever­y­day lives. We con­stant­ly recei­ve mes­sa­ges as push noti­fi­ca­ti­ons on our smart com­pa­n­ions. Infor­ma­ti­on is visi­ble in every detail and gives us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to react quick­ly to news. Why don’t we use the­se tech­no­lo­gies to stay con­stant­ly up to date in a pro­fes­sio­nal envi­ron­ment as well?

With the apro­nic smart­watch, you always car­ry the cur­rent sta­tus of your pro­duc­tion on your wrist. This inno­va­ti­ve, indus­tri­al smart­watch helps you react to pro­duc­tion inter­rup­ti­ons and other alarms as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. With a tap of your fin­ger, you accept the­se alerts on the watch, signal­ing to your employees that help is on the way. The clear fault list helps you keep track of all alarms.

Industrielle Smartwatch mit Alarmtexten

The indus­tri­al smart­watch can also dis­play sel­ec­ted key pro­duc­tion figu­res or sta­tus mes­sa­ges of indi­vi­du­al machi­nes. For exam­p­le, the cycle time of one or more lines can be read live on the wrist. In this way, you can car­ry pie­ce counts, scrap rates or com­plex key figu­res such as OEE with you at all times. But also key data of par­ti­cu­lar­ly cri­ti­cal machi­nes such as fill levels, tem­pe­ra­tures or machi­ne speeds can be cal­led up at any time.

The indus­tri­al smart­watch can be lin­ked to any machi­ne, any ERP or MES sys­tem, and even direct­ly to sen­sors. This is ensu­red by our intel­li­gent sys­tem design and important inter­face modu­les. But the smart­watch can also be seam­less­ly inte­gra­ted into the apro­nic eco­sys­tem. For exam­p­le, use our but­ton boxes or touch panels to enter faults at the indi­vi­du­al workstations.

Advan­ta­ges of apro­nic smartwatch

Reduc­tion of downtime 

By imme­dia­te­ly report­ing faults to the right cont­acts, they can be rec­ti­fied as quick­ly as possible. 

Reduc­tion of wal­king distances 

Employees recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on on the mal­func­tion direct­ly and can bring requi­red mate­ri­als or tools. The report­ing of mal­func­tions is also simplified. 

Can be used as a stan­da­lo­ne system 

The open sys­tem archi­tec­tu­re allows the apro­nic smart­watch to be used both stan­da­lo­ne and in com­bi­na­ti­on with prodwatch. 

Con­nec­tion of many data sources 

From the ERP and MES world down to the indi­vi­du­al sen­sor of a machi­ne: every data source can be connected! 

Uncom­pli­ca­ted commissioning 

The simp­le, intui­ti­ve user inter­face eli­mi­na­tes the need for trai­ning. We would be hap­py to sup­p­ly you with a turn­key system! 

Work­flow of an alarm in the event of a malfunction

Report­ing malfunctions

Mal­func­tions can be repor­ted both by employees and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. For this pur­po­se, assem­bly tables can be equip­ped with a panel PC or a push­but­ton sta­ti­on, for exam­p­le. Machi­nes or robo­tic sys­tems can also send auto­ma­ted fault mes­sa­ges. For this pur­po­se, the signals of the exis­ting traf­fic lights are usual­ly picked up via a gate­way. This saves time-con­sum­ing pro­gramming of the con­trols.

In addi­ti­on to peo­p­le and machi­nes, alarms can also be trig­ge­red via pro­cess con­trol sys­tems. A con­nec­tion of indi­vi­du­al sen­sors or other signal sources is also con­ceiva­ble.

If an employee or a machi­ne reports a mal­func­tion, this is for­ward­ed to the indi­vi­du­al smart­wat­ches via the MQTT bro­ker. In addi­ti­on, an acou­stic alarm or a dis­play on an Andon board can take place.

Alarms at assem­bly tables via panel PCs
Report­ing alarms at the touch of a button
Auto­ma­tic acqui­si­ti­on of machi­ne states
Alarm mes­sa­ges from pro­cess con­trol sys­tems or the ERP system
Sen­sors and other signal sources for fault indication

Alar­ming on the indus­tri­al smartwatch

If an alarm has been trig­ge­red on an assi­gned smart­watch, this is indi­ca­ted on all con­fi­gu­red smart­wat­ches by a vibra­ti­on and sound signal. Con­text infor­ma­ti­on can also be added to such a mal­func­tion. For exam­p­le, a mate­ri­al num­ber can be ente­red so that the wea­rer of the smart­watch can direct­ly iden­ti­fy which mate­ri­al is requi­red at the work­place in the event of a mate­ri­al shortage.

As soon as a fault mes­sa­ge is accept­ed on one smart­watch, it is no lon­ger dis­play­ed on other smart­wat­ches. The smart­watch can be con­fi­gu­red to con­ti­nuous­ly repeat the alert until a fault is accept­ed. The­se alarms can also be muted if, for exam­p­le, a mee­ting is scheduled.

Ack­now­led­ge­ment and can­cel­la­ti­on of the alarms

After the employee has sol­ved the cau­se of the alarm, he ack­now­led­ges the alarm at the point of ori­gin. This can be done eit­her direct­ly at the machi­ne or by pres­sing the but­ton again on the but­ton box. After the alarm has ended, it is no lon­ger dis­play­ed on the smart­watch. The alarm can also be reset time-controlled.

If an alarm is not accept­ed or ack­now­led­ged within a cer­tain time, it can be escala­ted. In this case, the alarm is sent to ano­ther alar­ming group so that other smart­wat­ches can see this alar­ming. Like­wi­se, the employee who accept­ed the fault can also reject it again. The alert is then dis­play­ed again on all indus­tri­al smart­wat­ches in the respec­ti­ve alert group. Other users can then accept it.

If an alarm is not accept­ed or ack­now­led­ged within a cer­tain time, it can be escala­ted. In this case, the alarm is sent to ano­ther alar­ming group so that other smart­wat­ches can see this alar­ming. Like­wi­se, the employee who accept­ed the fault can also reject it again. The alert is then dis­play­ed again on all indus­tri­al smart­wat­ches in the respec­ti­ve alert group. Other users can then accept it.

Simp­le, sca­lable sys­tem design for fast commissioning

Both the smart­wat­ches and the indi­vi­du­al machi­nes, plants, touch panels and all other sources of alarms are con­nec­ted via WLAN to the cen­tral MQTT bro­ker. This soft­ware is the hub for the alarm mes­sa­ges and the mes­sa­ges to the indi­vi­du­al smart­wat­ches. On this ser­ver, which is hos­ted eit­her in the cloud or in your IT infra­struc­tu­re, you will find a Node-RED ins­tance in addi­ti­on to the MQTT bro­ker. Node-RED is a low-code plat­form that allows you to crea­te simp­le rules for aler­ting. For exam­p­le, Mod­bus regis­ters can be read from machi­nes and the infor­ma­ti­on from them can be given to the smart­watch in the alarm message.

Übersichtsgrafik industrielle Smartwatch

On request, we can sup­p­ly you with a turn­key, ful­ly pre-con­fi­gu­red sys­tem of wat­ches and the cor­re­spon­ding ser­ver infra­struc­tu­re. So you can work direct­ly with the alarm sys­tem and the indus­tri­al smart­wat­ches. The con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on can also be done by yours­elf, for this we will glad­ly pro­vi­de you with all tools and assistance.

In com­bi­na­ti­on with our manu­fac­tu­ring digi­tiza­ti­on solu­ti­on prodwatch, exten­si­ve eva­lua­tions can be crea­ted from the repor­ted alarms and the cor­re­spon­ding feed­backs. The indus­tri­al smart­wat­ches have a nati­ve inter­face to prodwatch, so that it is pos­si­ble to easi­ly crea­te alarm groups and bring appro­pria­te­ly con­fi­gu­red alarms to the smartwatches.

Simp­le commissioning 

Con­nect Smart­wa­ches and machi­nes to the WLAN, con­fi­gu­re easi­ly and start directly 

Cloud or onpre­mi­se server 

The cen­tral ser­ver can be hos­ted eit­her in the cloud or in your IT infrastructure 

Fle­xi­bly expan­da­ble with addi­tio­nal watches 

Smart­wat­ches can be easi­ly added to an exis­ting system 

Nati­ve inter­face to prodwatch 

The apro­nic smart­watch can be used as a stan­da­lo­ne sys­tem or in com­bi­na­ti­on with prodwatch 

Data points and key figu­res on the smartwatch

In addi­ti­on to the alarm appli­ca­ti­on, the indus­tri­al smart­watch can also be used to dis­play data points. This makes it pos­si­ble, for exam­p­le, to make the remai­ning cycle time or also tem­pe­ra­tu­re or fill level dis­plays acces­si­ble on the wrist. In prin­ci­ple, every data point of a machi­ne or an IT sys­tem can be brought to the smart­watch via the MQTT topics and visua­li­zed the­re.

Via a fol­der struc­tu­re, it is pos­si­ble to group the­se data points in a meaningful way, so that a data coll­ec­tion is for­med for each of your machi­nes, work­sta­tions or pro­duc­tion are­as. This helps your employees to get an over­view of the pro­duc­tion at any time. Examp­les of such data points can be:


  • Pro­duc­tion-spe­ci­fic key figu­res such as OEE, FPY or scrap rates
  • Remai­ning takt or cycle times
  • Num­ber of manu­fac­tu­red products
  • Machi­ne para­me­ters such as cur­rent pro­gram, run­ning times, etc.
  • Sen­sor values such as tem­pe­ra­tures, fill levels, spind­le speeds, etc.
Industrielle Smartwatch mit Kennzahlen

The indus­tri­al smart­watch and accessories

The aler­ting appli­ca­ti­on is exe­cu­ta­ble on all smart­wat­ches that are ope­ra­ted with the Wear OS by Goog­le ope­ra­ting sys­tem. Basi­cal­ly, we like to use com­mer­ci­al­ly available devices sin­ce they alre­a­dy come with dust and mois­tu­re pro­tec­tion. Only the shock pro­tec­tion lea­ves much to be desi­red in many of the­se models. Howe­ver, this shock pro­tec­tion can be obtai­ned via cor­re­spon­ding access­ories. We offer robust wrist­bands and dis­play pro­tec­tion foils for this purpose.

Cost effec­ti­ve hardware 

Any smart­watch with wear OS by Goog­le can be used 

Dust and mois­tu­re proof 

Most smart­wat­ches have an IP68 pro­tec­tion rating 

Pro­tec­tion against mani­pu­la­ti­on: Kiosk mode 

All func­tions of the smart­watch can be locked for users if necessary 

Exclu­si­ve­ly WLAN required 

The smart­wat­ches do not requi­re a con­nec­tion to a cell pho­ne and only need to be con­nec­ted via WLAN 

Have we arou­sed your interest?

We would be hap­py to pre­sent our smart­watch appli­ca­ti­on, the hard­ware and the pos­si­bi­li­ties of con­nec­ting (alarm) signals to you in an appoint­ment. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you and get­ting to know your application!